Friday, May 15, 2020

AP Current Bill Tariff Calculation

The AP Current Bill calculation is explained below with example.
The Current Bill calculation is mainly depends on the Current bill Category.

The Current bill category is shown in the below screen shot and marked with green color line

The Current bill tariff is as follows

For Category A
The usage of the current bill is less than 75 units per month are come under Category A and slabs rates are as follows.
0 - 50 ---> 1.45
51-75 ----> 2.60

For Category B
The usage of the current bill units above 75 units and up to 225 units per month are come under Category B and slabs rates are as follows.
0 - 100 ----> 2.60
101 - 200 -----> 3.60
201 - 225 -----> 6.90

For Category C
The usage of the current bill is above 225 units per month are come under Category C and slabs rates are as follows.
0 - 50 ----> 2.65
51 - 100 -----> 3.35
101 - 200 -----> 5.40
201 - 300 -----> 7.10
301 - 400 -----> 7.95
401 - 500 -----> 8.50
500 and above -----> 9.95

One sample calculation for the current bills is expalina below

In the above image the current meter is in Category B and No of Units are 126.

1-50 Units (50*2.60 ) = 130

51-100 Units (50*2.60 ) = 130

100-200 Units (26*3.60) = 93.6

Now the total amount is 353.60

You can also view the same in Youtube channel
Current Bill Tariff Calculation